Sunday, January 1, 2012

Aaannd We're back.

It's a new year and I thought it was time to start a new blog, mostly because my old blog was linked to my old email account which proved to be a nuisance. So I leave that behind in 2011 and will start out fresh. I'll definitely hopefully be more motivated to post now. 

Today, I wish you a very Happy New Year! 

I *think one of my New Years resolutions will be to juice more. I say "I *think" because I hadn't really thought about it as a resolution until just now. I just sort of wanted to do it, but I guess I could make it a resolution. Yes, lets. That's one of my resolutions. 

So far so good: 

fresh carrot orange juice. 


  1. recently relocated to the SLC area huh? GREAT NEWS!!! Maybe we can play catch up after, what's it been, 7 years? THAT would be fun!

  2. yay! i'm glad that you are BACK!!! and i'm glad that you aren't private too!!!

  3. Hmm, I didn't see your whole post until now, weird. Yum, carrot orange. I had a green smoothie this morning...yum!
